Samastah provides a community space for physical, emotional and spiritual growth by guiding students to self inquiry and self acceptance through the teachings of ancient traditions and the yogic science of self evolution.
Hatha Yoga 300 Hour Advanced
Teacher Training Certification Program
Fall 2021

Whether you are seeking to become a teacher or seeking a deeper connection with yourself and your practice, this immersive teacher training will give you the tools you need for self exploration and the ability to express the depths of yoga to your community.
The focus of this training program is in traditional Hatha Yoga. Modules will include an in depth exposition of:
Asana (poses)
Pranayama (breathing techniques)
Kriyas/Shatkarmas (purification techniques)
Nada Yoga
Physical and Energetic Anatomy (Energy, Chakras, Nadis, Aura, etc.)
Philosophy (Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, lifestyle, and ethics)
Mudras and Bhandas
Teaching Meothodology
and more!
Start Date: September 10th
Tuition: $5,000
Early Bid Special: $200 off if registered by July 25th
Paid in Full by Start of Program: Additional $200 Off
$300 Deposit saves your spot and can be submitted after you have completed
your entrance interview and we have reviewed your short essay questions.
Costs of training includes: Workshops, instruction, unlimited membership during the training period, manual, 15% off of workshops for 6 months after the course, and more!
We are a 200 hour RYT school registered through Yoga Alliance. C.
Please contact us at info@samastah.yoga to schedule an admissions interview with lead teacher Joseph Dugan and Maura O'Meallie.
Thank you for considering our school. When trying to find a Yoga Teacher Training program feel free to check Yoga Alliances website and check the standards for an acceptable course. For example, 200 contact hours (in person with a teacher, 40 hours allowed to be online), covers philosophy, anatomy, etc. Our course goes beyond the 200 hour model but allows you to receive the 200 hour credential through Yoga Alliance.
If you have never been to our studio and are considering our course please come to the studio and take several classes to make sure we are a right fit for you as well as scheduling a time to meet with Joseph Dugan and Maura O'Meallie to discuss any questions or concerns. We look forward to your unfolding!
-Joseph, Maura and the Samastah family

Learn through lineage.
With support of kind peers!
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Somatic Yoga
Props & Modifications
Mudras & Bandhas
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Click here to edit the text and include the information you would like to feature.
& History
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Classical Yoga
Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali
Selected Yoga Upanishads
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Gheranda Samhita
Shiva Samhita
Jnana Yoga
Studies of Swami Vivekananda
Bhagavad Gita
Anatomy &
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Nervous System
Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali
Selected Yoga Upanishads
Subtle Body
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Gheranda Samhita
Shiva Samhita
Studies of Swami Vivekananda
Bhagavad Gita
Teaching Methodology
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Embodied Teaching
Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali
Selected Yoga Upanishads
Trauma Sensitivity
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Gheranda Samhita
Shiva Samhita
Classroom Dynamics
Studies of Swami Vivekananda
Bhagavad Gita
Lead Teacher and Director, Joseph Dugan
Teacher Training Faculty

Ellie Scandarito
Vedic Chanting
Lead Teacher Erin Allen

Lead Teacher, Keiffer Hubbell

Joshua Cresswell
Maura O'Meallie
Mantra, Sanskrit